Washington D.C. Divorce Attorney Provides Trustworthy Counsel

Experienced lawyer handles dissolution of marriage in the Beltway area       

Divorce represents a significant change for everyone involved. It can be traumatic and stressful for spouses and their children. If you have decided to dissolve your marriage, it is in your best interests to have an experienced divorce attorney to inform you of your best options and guide you through the process. At Joel W. Anders, we have helped our clients in Washington, D.C. and Maryland resolve their divorce and family law issues for more than 40 years. We provide dedicated and experienced representation that upholds your rights and advances your goals for your future.

Firm outlines divorce requirements for Washington, D.C. and Maryland

Our legal team manages divorce cases in Washington, D.C. and nearby Maryland communities. The requirements for divorce are slightly different in these jurisdictions:

  • Washington — You can file for divorce in D.C. as long as you or your spouse have been a resident of the district for at least six months. D.C. is a no-fault jurisdiction, providing two grounds for divorce. If you and your spouse agree to the divorce, you must live separately for six months prior to filing. If one party objects to the divorce, you must live separately for one year.
  • Maryland — Known officially as absolute divorce under Maryland law, in a no-fault dissolution, one spouse must have resided in Maryland for at least six months. For a divorce citing traditional grounds, such as adultery or cruelty, you could file right away if the alleged misconduct occurred in Maryland. For a no-fault divorce, the spouses must have lived separately for one year voluntarily or two years involuntarily. This requirement does not apply to fault-based divorces.

When you file no-fault divorce, it is generally easier to negotiate a marital settlement and avoid trial on the issues.

Choosing the best divorce process for your circumstances

There are many paths to a dissolution of marriage. The right one for you depends on your circumstances: the size of your marital estate, the number of children you have, and your history with your spouse. When your circumstances are straightforward, your divorce can be simple. But when your situation is complex, you need an attorney who can handle a complex divorce.

At our firm, you receive personalized attention focused on your needs and concerns. We explain your options, so you can decide on the best course of action. In addition to no-fault versus traditional grounds, your divorce options can include:

  • Uncontested divorce — This means you don’t take your case to trial. Instead, you and your spouse work out a marital settlement agreement which you present to the court for approval. To reach a settlement, you and your spouse should agree that you want the divorce. You can reach a settlement through traditional negotiations or mediation.
  • Contested divorce — Couples take their divorce to trial either because settlement talks failed or because the situation is better suited to an adversarial process. When the parties are strongly opposed on the issues, there is animosity, or the estate is simply too complex, it’s can be difficult to avoid a trial and still obtain a fair result.

When possible, we look to work out settlements, which allow for more control over the issues that really matter and are most cost-effective than trial, but are always prepared to litigate if the circumstances warrant.  

Accomplished family law advocate offers experience when it matters most

Our legal team brings our more than four decades of family law experience to all matters related to divorce, including:

  • Child custody — We are adept at creating parenting plans that help you maintain a loving relationship while promoting your children’s best interests. Whether you want child custody or prefer frequent visitation, we focus on achieving a workable plan.
  • Child support — We strive to obtain court orders for support based on an accurate analysis of your financials
  • Property division — Both D.C. and Maryland operate under principles of equitable distribution. We advocate aggressively for your fair share of the marital estate.
  • Spousal support — Whether you hope to obtain alimony or may have to pay, we advocate for your interests and work to achieve the optimal result.

Whether your divorce is simple or complex, our firm provides the detailed and determined family law representation you need to obtain a positive outcome.  

Contact a reputable DC metro divorce attorney for a free consultation

Joel W. Anders represents divorcing spouses throughout the Washington, D.C. area. To discuss how we can help, contact us online or call our office at 202-466-4334. We have offices convenient via Metro service in Washington D.C. and Bethesda, Maryland.


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